The Core Tendon Guard Reflex is a generalized body protective response to stress. It is fundamental for survival and protection. The Tendon Guard Reflex is a reaction to a perceived threat or high levels of stress. It is referred to as a reflex, but it is not necessarily one of the primitive or postural reflexes as these have a specific movement pattern. The Tendon Guard Reflex is a response to stress in the muscles that is activated in the survival centers of the brain. The Tendon Guard reflex should only be triggered during times of stress and then return to a relaxed state. Constant activation is detrimental to multiple systems in the body.
When the tendon guard is activated, it produces an entire body protective response by triggering muscular contractions that begin in the big toe. The muscle contractions move all the way up to the back of the body to the neck and head. Chronic stress and tension in the tendons and muscles result in posture changes, sensory challenges, limited focus and fatigue.
Signs of an active Core Tendon Guard Reflex:
Toe Walking
Poor posture and balance
Back pain
Easily stressed
How Does Aerial Yoga Help?
Deep breathing calms the body by reducing blood pressure, improving concentration, and slowing the heart rate.
Focusing on breathing is associated with enhanced functioning in the higher brain regions. Deep breathing reduces anxiety by short-circuiting the “fight, flight, or freeze” that occurs in the lower brain centers. Controlled breathing while in the aerial yoga poses that promote flexibility can reduce tension in the muscles and tendons.
Don’t have a aerial hammock? No worries. Yoga poses on the ground coupled with deep breathing can help as well. Poses such as Down Dog and Forward Fold release tension in the back body.
Want to learn more ways to integrate reflexes and reduce stress?